Saturday, February 03, 2007

Howdy, humanoids!!

Charlie's back, for his usual weekend appearance (generally before Banjo Boy wakes up).

I see that somehow he got on as part of the NHL Bloggers network, which is freakin' hilarious, seein' as how he doesn't even know how many innings they play!!

At any rate, if that turkey (no relation) can write about hockey, they why not me??

To give you guys some credentials, I play goal in a beer league here on the weekend. After the industrial accident that took my arms and feathers, I find it hard to hold a goal stick or glove, so I pretty much rely on the size of my cluckin' head to make saves. But, as I mentioned before, this is a beer league, so accuracy in shooting hasn't been a real big issue...

Am I cold when I lie on the ice, nekked?? I am hot-blooded for a fowl, so I tend to shake off the shivers. And, as I may have mentioned before, this is a beer league, so often I'm too pickled to give a rat's ass...

Do I wear protective equipment for these games? Padding is for little hens in dresses!!

Plus, I got no endorsement deal yet...

Is it a good idea to smoke while participating in sports? Why don't you go lay an egg......

Cluck for now!!


  1. Anonymous7:30 AM


  2. Anonymous7:47 AM


    For a mere $20 Canadian, I can send you a towel soaked with official chicken sweat, after one of my weekend hockey games!!

    Just like Elvis, eh???
