Sunday, February 04, 2007

We got hooped! Duped!!!

Yesterday, I was successful in convincing (wearing down) Mrs. That Dan Guy into attending the Calgary Boating Exposition 2007, on the premise that we would learn about where we could go camping and fishing, in our new home province.

I assured her that I wasn't going there just to look at the uber-expensive cigarette boats, or any other such flashy, expensive speed boats. I wanted to get an education on where we might be able to wile away some leisure hours, communing gently with nature (with at least an outboard motor, and flushing nautical toilet)...

Well, unless I included the booths devoted to fractional time shares for some fishing lodge in Pebble Sands, Saskatchewan or a private lake in Saudi Arabia, all we could see for row upon row was uber-expensive cigarette boats, and other such flashy, expensive speed boats.

And some inflatable dinghy's, which for the record is something of minimal interest to either one of us...

Then today, trying to recall the name of the exhibit, I Googled "Calgary Boat Show", and came upon (lo & behold) The Calgary Boat & Sportsmen's Show, which runs Feb 15-18, and promises to feature everything I dreamt of in the other show. Plus a "birds of prey" exhibit, which is my ticket in with Mrs. That Dan Guy!!!

Why do I need to know where the recreational sites are in Calgary and area, what with that bee-oo-tiful Bow River rolling right through the heart of town?? Well, I've heard that it's only three of four inches deep in places, and if we buy the yacht that I hope to, I don't want to make the local newspapers as "Blogger runs aground on sandy loam!!"

Chow for now!!

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