Friday, February 02, 2007

Yet another light dusting of snow, overnight. Winter has decided to return...

The other day, the forerunner of the bigger overnight dumping of snow brought a little flurry in the afternoon, as Mrs. That Dan Guy had to go to another part of the city, for her work. She can handle the weather well enough, but still gets a little rattled driving in it.

How rattled?? Well, when she arrived at the other location for a meeting with staff there, she had been running behind. So, she rushed into the building, at about 2:30, and attended meetings, etc.

I met her at 4:30, to do some shopping, grab some dinner, and a bit of general running around.
We returned to pick up her car at about 7:30, after it had long been dark outside.

Pulling up to the office building, I remarked on how it looked like she had left her lights on. She agreed, but also noticed that the tail lights appeared to be on.

And, even though it had been snowing for the past few hours, the car was oddly devoid of any buildup of the white stuff...

Reaching into her purse for her keys, she discovered that they had been misplaced. Well, not misplaced so much, as LEFT IN THE FREAKIN' IGNITION!!!! Her car had been sitting in the parking lot, right across from a relatively high-traffic area, running the whole time. How nobody noticed, and didn't steal the thing is beyond me.


On the plus side, she didn't need to warm it up before we left to head back home...

Today, I'm searching the Google for something that will put the motor into hibernation, after 15 unattended minutes...

Chow for now!!

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