Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The sun is shining, the birds are singing...

Hey, if that doesn't get cats everywhere up and at 'em, what the Heck will??

Man, it's hot already, and I haven't even looked at the thermostat. Or whatever you call that device on the wall that raises or lowers the blasting of the furnace. All I know is I could probably fry eggs on our living room carpet.

Hmm. Maybe I should go look at that dial thingy, and consider turning it down a bit. Or run out and buy some bacon...

May have to venture outside for a bit today, seeing as how the weather is so nice. There's probably loads of chores to be done, but no sense rushing into any of that. It's early yet for spring, so there will be loooooots of time to attend to yard work, or anything remotely close to productive physical activity, for that matter.

Today is more like a cigar day, where you dust off a comfy lounge or lawn chair, kick back, light up a cigar, and embrace the sheer joy of the world around you, as the smoke temporarily gets in your eyes and blinds you.

Being so early in the morning, I will enjoy that cigar with another cup of coffee, before I get back to cold hard reality, and the multiple deadlines up my wazoo. Big or small, deadlines are entirely unpleasant in that general area...

Chow for now!!

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