Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Frying eggs on my carpet yesterday did not go well at all...

Sure, it was hot in here, but apparently nowhere near as hot as I had hoped, after I had backed myself into a corner and cracked one open on the living room rug. DO NOT try this at home kiddies...

So today I just had cereal for breakfast, nothing quite so risky for my limited housecleaning skills. With the crap I found in the laundry room cupboard, and sprayed on the carpet, the stain is becoming almost invisible. One small step for science, one giant leap for male boneheadedness...

Where do you suppose that old saying came from, anyway? The one about frying an egg on the sidewalk. It had to have been a writer looking for some wildly descriptive phrase, and based on my own recent experience, it had to have been a guy - the average woman would just not be compelled to fry an egg on a sidewalk. Most can barely get their kids to eat something fresh from the stove, never mind a filthy residential sidewalk.

Although, having been a kid once myself, I think it may have been pretty cool to try something off of cement...

That's my story!

Chow for now!!

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