Monday, April 17, 2006

I'm bringing home a baby bumblebee...

Hey, do you remember that old rhyme/song from when you were a kid (note: if you were born after 1997, you may not be that familiar with it)?? I don't know why that thing sticks in my head,but sometimes it just pops up...

No particular reason for sharing that with you today, and I won't further plant the lyrics in your head, but I can safely and honestly say that I have no baby bumblebee in my possession at this moment, just in case PETA is reading this... With my luck, baby bumblebees are an endandered or protected species,and I'd be looking at hard time just for carrying one home. Ugh...

But if I ever were in a situation where I had to cautiously transport maybe a sick or hurt baby bumblebee, how do you think a person could safely achieve that?? You'd have to think that even a baby bumblebee would have a stinger, even just a little one. Now that I think of it, am I allergic to bee stings??? Maybe I'd be better off just leaving the damn thing alone...

Like this entire topic today...

Chow for now!!

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