Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Well, it’s holiday time for the That Dan Guys, so these blogs will be pretty unpredictable as to posting times, for the next two weeks.

So, we hopped into a cab in Calgary yesterday morning, where the temperature was -40ºC, with the wind chill. Even Jack Frost was making travel arrangements – nobody needs to be that freakin’ cold!!

We landed in beautiful…SAN FRANCISCO, where the weather was actually on the plus side of the thermometer – a balmy +50ºF – which was kind-of funny, because everyone we met was griping about how cold it was. To us, it was like lying on a lawn chair in an Easy Bake Oven. Which, I realize would be kind-of tough unless we were leprechauns, but I’ve only had one cup of coffee this morning – so sue me!!

We are staying in the Fisherman’s Wharf area, so our drive from the airport to the hotel took us right under the famed Golden Gate Bridge. It was already pretty dark out by the time we settled in, so we opted to take a walk in the immediate area, and grab a bite to eat. It was also rainy, so even though we were baking in the California heat, we wore windbreakers. We stood out as tourists as we passed locals wearing – and I’m not kidding here – heavy coats, scarves and mittens. It was a little reminder of Canada, where when last we looked, even the ice cubes were wearing flannel blankets…

This is our first-ever trip to San Fran, so we were a little worried that we should have worn flowers in our hair. But nobody else seemed to be, so we got over that faux pas pretty quickly.

I’m also pretty sure we won’t leave our harps in San Francisco either, because neither one of us owns one.

Finally, we expected many places to eat with Rice-A-Roni on the menu, but all we seemed to find were seafood restaurants. We chose one from the staggering many, and had some awesome fresh crab cakes, clam chowder (Aye Caramba – spectacular), and fish. Due to the rain, we ate inside, but there were loads of options to eat fresh crab right on the walk way. Well, not right ON the walk way, but you probably already knew that, smarty-pants!

Well, we need more coffee, and maybe some breakfast. I’ll sign off for now, but keep the updates coming as the days go by.

Chow for now!!

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