Monday, December 15, 2008

Aye Caramba!!!!!!

-40ÂșCelsius with the wind chill!! It has to be warmer at the bottom of the Arctic Ocean, than it is in our backyard right now!!

Not that I plan on going into our yard anytime soon, but if I WERE, it would be colder than a mackerel at Captain Highliner’s frozen fish factory… Fo-Shizzle!!

Man, days like this are the reason Canada is so big, yet so under-populated. Even for a nation of hockey lovers, there are times when you start to think that sitting on the Equator might not be such a bad option. Even sitting on an element of our stove sounds pretty good right about now…

It’s so cold outside, even the sun is wearing a scarf.

It’s so cold outside, the pine trees are pining for heat.

It’s so cold outside, me timbers arrr shivered, and it ain’t even pirate season yet!!


Chow for now!!

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