Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Today may not be the funniest posting I’ve ever put up here, but every once in a while the odd serious item can crop up in your life, and I had that happen just the other day….

During a routine trip to see a dermatologist here in Calgary last week, he carefully examined a spot on my chest that he deemed to be of concern. He even lopped it off!!

And you all thought I was a wacko collector of oddities…

Well, after a trip to my family doctor Friday, that former lop of my flesh and blood turned out to be basal cell carcinoma, one of the most common forms of skin cancer. Thank you very much, Mr. Sun!!!

Thankfully, the piece removed was small, and I go back in 8 weeks to ensure all is okey-dokey. It turns out that basal cell carcinoma is a slow, easily treatable cancer if caught early, and mine was removed hastily.

The fact that it is a slow cancer to spread is somewhat a testimony to my own DNA, which is sluggish to get going at the best of times.

So, for the foreseeable future, I’ll have to require Mrs. That Dan Guy to do frequent random body searches for funny-looking things on my body (bee-have!!), even into the odd cavity or two I suppose…

At any rate, be careful out in that sun, kiddies!! Put on sunscreen, wear lots of clothing, buy yourself a big-ass sombrero. Having a doctor carve you like a Christmas turkey is not something I want to be doing frequently!!

Chow for now!!

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