Tuesday, March 06, 2007


In my eagerness to post yesterday, and corresponding lack of attention to the day of the week, I conjured up the wrath of that cantankerous weekend chicken, after my faux pas with the date of said event. Which begs the question - what does that featherless stand-in for Don Rickles do during the week anyways??

Oh well, maybe it's better that I don't know....it's bad enough that my keyboard usually smells like an inappropriate birthday party in Amsterdam after he gets his one-day-a-week here, online.

So, Happy Big-Day today (not yesterday...ugh). The mail room of Such Is Life is a bit behind this week, so make sure you watch your postal box in the upcoming...uh..next few days or so.

What else??

Well, I see that there are now some tickets available for a second show, to see Keith Urban, but I think we'll pass, and see him another time. We've already got at least two shows a month booked, and more coming, so something has to give.

However, that is admittedly subject to change, as we are totally looney in our entertainment affliction here. We see another huge star this week, and when I say huge...well, it's an appropriate description.

Chow for now!!


  1. Anonymous10:13 PM

    Does this mean I get a birthday card?

  2. Nuts!!

    Make that TWO cards we are officially behind with, here at "Such Is Life"...

    it's always something.....

    And, oh yeah, a very belated Happy Birthday...
