Thursday, April 27, 2006

Oh, de doo dah day...

Not entirely sure where that came from, but as it's still relatively early in the morning here, we'll just run with it.

I wonder if these things get time-stamped, when they're posted? I'm telling you in this here jibbity-jabbity that it's early still, but if the current time was to show (9:00 AM), you'd probably be wondering what the hell I was talking about, or just when I started my actual workday, if at all. Hopefully that query will never arise. For the purposes of today's posting, let's assume that the sun is just rising wherever the heck is rises from, and even the most eager roosters are still snoring in the barnyard.

Not to suggest that I'm writing this anywhere near a barn!!

Although, down the road from our house there is a small piece of acreage along a little lake, with a home that's kind-of shaped like a barn. I can't say for sure if they own roosters, but I have seen a horse or two there over the years.

But all this talk about barns and animals is making me wonder if there was some subliminal reason I started off today's post with that 0h-de-doo-dah-day comment. Isn't that line in some way related to farms? Old MacDonald?? Elmer Fudd, at least???

Good grief....

Chow for now!!

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