Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The Life Of A Writer - Entry # 32

I discovered by accident today that the Freecell game on my computer actually tracks what it calls "statistics". Freecell, for those of you unaware, is a card game not unlike Solitaire, played from the convenience of your computer desktop. Whenever a free moment of time or writer's block slows me down, it is a habit of mine to take a little mental break, and play a game or two.

This statistic feature, which I hit by accident today whilst loading a new game, took me aback just a bit. For someone that plays only occasionally, I found it hard to believe that up until today, I had won 1722 games, and lost 673. I wasn't a big fan of math in high school, but even for me, that number seems a bit high. Either my wife is addicted to the game without my knowledge, or the cat plays dumb far better than I ever suspected...

This feature does have a reset option, which would certainly save my hasheesh if an authority figure (Honey?) were to find the stats as well, but now that I see the number is so high, I find myself wondering if there is any sort of world record for this sort of thing? Maybe there's a lucrative market, if the number is sufficiently high enough to afford me a professional ranking?

I know I've got a deadline looming, but I think I need to spend just a little more time researching this thing. And maybe honing my skills, for the world record...

Chow for now!!

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