Monday, October 27, 2014

There's A Kind Of Hush...

The kind of "hush!" that librarians used to use when you got too noisy in the hallowed halls of the library.

There's also a kind of hush that your mother may have used. There may have been any number of reasons for that one...

We cannot forget about the hush that makes some puppies very, very quiet...

I don't think it's politically correct anymore to say "hush yo mouth" - but that technically could just fall under the mother-husher category.

So, there are kinds of hush. Probably many more than my own examples...



  1. Mrs That Dan Guy11:34 AM

    Oh boy. I don't think I like the puppy one?! Oh no. Oh boy. I would like to say to you Mr. That Dan Guy: Hush! (and yes, the hush from one's wife is yet a whole other kind of hush!)

  2. The hushiest hush of all...
