Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Twas The Night Of A Blizzard. In September...

I can't even bring myself to take a picture right now. Well, I can't because it's still too dark.

However, we had a blizzard overnight. In September. Still technically summer, as I understand it. Canadian summer, for sure.

And, it has been below zero, Celsius, which sounds worse than it is, but is still pretty bad.

In a nutshell, the ground is covered in about a foot of snow, it's freezing cold, and I want some answers, Weatherman. Capeesh??

Gotta run, this meteorologist needs some broth to stay alert enough to update me on when normalcy returns to our neck of the woods. And despite his protestations, he does NOT need to have his ropes loosened to do that...



  1. Mrs That Dan Guy11:09 AM

    Ridiculous. What in the world is going on? I mean come on man! Sigh. Looking to the +22 we are supposed to see this weekend. There better not be a trace of snow left, it is far too early for this crapola.

  2. Begone, demon of white!!
