Thursday, September 11, 2014

Flawtography, #022

Flawtography, #022:

Stevie Wonder

I've had the good fortune of seeing Stevie Wonder perform live twice. The first time, was in the Winnipeg Arena with my sister. That was a full show, and he was unbelievable! Unforgettable!


The second time I caught him live was back in 2009, at a Mandela Day event at Radio City Music Hall. he was just part of a star-studded lineup put together in honour of Nelson Mandela. The lineup featured Aretha Franklin, Josh Groban,, Gloria Gaynor, Alicia Keys, Queen Latifah - more acts than I can even remember, although I did document the entire evening in photos.

Like the one above, where you can see Mr. Wonder in his full passion of playing, belting out Happy Birthday, to Mandela.

Brings the whole night back for me, seeing that photo.



  1. Mrs That Dan Guy11:10 AM

    Ah yes, those GREAT photos. It is a good thing I have a memory to count on.

  2. Indeed...

    I Can('t) See Clearly Now.
