Sunday, July 20, 2014

Once Again, I Am Bereft...

Well, here we go again - I've got nuthin'...

My brain is blank, my skewed sense of sensibilities is snafu.

I'm sure if I really put some thought to it, I could come up with something. But at this very moment, watching my fingers lumber along the keyboard, I can see my cup of coffee over there on the table, and I believe that is where my focus truly lies.

So, to recap - I got nuthin'. Humble apologies. We'll try again (as usual) tomorrow.

Hey - get outside and enjoy the day, why doncha??

Hello coffee my old friend, I've come to snarf you up again...



  1. Mrs That Dan Guy10:03 AM

    For someone who had nothing, you sure had plenty. From snafu, to lumber, to snarf. Sounds like a good business name: The Snafu Lumber & Snarf company, ha! Or just Snafu & Snarf, ha, ha!

  2. We better register that!

    (And invest in some lumber...)
