Friday, August 30, 2013

Several Little Known Facts About Gorillas

1) Most gorillas (in the ball park of 67.5%) prefer Dunkin' Donuts over Starbucks. Pretty simple folk, gorillas...

2) Inventors have been frustrated for decades over trying to invent a grooming brush that gorillas will accept and use.

3) No gorilla has ever uttered "my bologna has a first name...".

4) The World Series Of Poker has banned gorillas from participating, due to shrewd and inscrutable table skills...

5) When adult gorillas develop male pattern balding, they are shipped away so as to prevent photographers from documenting this cruel shared affliction with human males...

6) Arthur Murray never succeeded in trying to teach gorillas to ballroom dance.

7) The popular trend of naming gorilla children "Magilla" went out of favour in the early 1970's...

8) Bears aren't the only animals that poop in the forest. And jungle...

9) Despite enduring fame and popularity in a single movie concept, no other gorillas has ever cracked the Hollywood elite as did King Kong.

10) King Kong had his movie fame dimmed when it came to light he used performance enhancing drugs during filming.

11) 1 in 6 gorillas are enrolled in banana smoking cessation programs.



  1. Mrs That Dan Guy10:49 AM

    Who knew? Thank you for this informative blog. I already loved gorillas, but knowing they are even more like humans what with these factoids, I love em even more! (It would be hilarious to see them playing poker, I have to admit)

  2. The more you know....
