(posted by weekend guest blogger Charlie Chicken...)
Let me explain....
It was a bee-oo-tiful, sunny mornin', and we set sail in tha early hours uv tha dawn....
Out on tha open water, we cast our lines, and waited. Waited for tha bounty a Muther Nature...
While ya wait fer bounty, it is tradishunal ta hoise a few brews, ta keep yer whistle wet. That's basic knotical safety proceedure....
Suddenly, another call a nature...called. My dang small chicken bladder.......
So ah gets mahself pozitioned perfectly (ah thought so at least) on tha bow ah tha boat, an ah begins ta top up tha lake level.
Tha's when a tsunami-level wave lifted tha boat, an ah took flight - something we chickens ain't exactly known for....
Mah stream was goin' everywhere, an I ain't talkin' about tha waterwat we wuz in!!
Fass-forward ta mah reskue. An this here pickture....
Still tryin' ta dry mah cluckin' fethers....
How embarassin......
Gotta run - ah does hava a fish ta fry, at least!!!
Cluck fer now....
Charlie plucked from the sea! What are ya, a Tuna Fish or a piece of poultry? You aren't the "other white meat" you crazy bird, you ARE the white meat!
ReplyDeleteHonestly Charlie, what in the world possessed you to think you, a chicken, would be suited to fishing? Sigh.
Let's at least hope this is the closest he comes to fish net stockings!!!!
ReplyDeleteOh I think anything is a possibility with that crazy piece of poultry, there is no hope really.
ReplyDeleteHave you seen your black stilettos lately???