Thursday, November 01, 2012

Only 364 Days to go!

You know, it's not like we even recognize Halloween. As a matter of fact, Mrs. That Dan Guy and I left work last night and snuck off to an el-cheapo restaurant, to hide out until it was safe to go home.

So why am I tracking how many days until it returns?

Well, frankly - I had nothing this morning. Absolutely nothing to share or expostulate on. So, a countdown to next Halloween just seemed to make sense.

Plus I couldn't work out how any days left to Christmas without growing a few more sets of hands...

Chow for now!


  1. Mrs. That Dan Guy7:43 AM

    Oh brother. Ya, poor Halloween. It hadn't even happened yet and the trees, wreaths and bobbles were pushing the pumpkins off the store shelves. Shameless!

  2. Deck your boughs with pumpkin folly????
