Friday, November 02, 2012

Celebrating Canada - The National Music Centre

Wow. Just wow. As a matter of fact, that's all I could think of to write in the guest register on our way out the door last night...

I took advantage of First Thursday to partake in a free public tour of the National Music Centre, offering an opportunity to view the instruments that the Centre currently has on display in this temporary, transitional space in downtown Calgary. The group of us that had gathered inside before the guided tour were told that the crowd was one of the largest to date, and I can only imagine them growing in the future. This is one amazing facility if you are a fan of the music industry, Canada or otherwise...

I didn't think to bring along a good camera, so my rickety old iPhone 3GS left much to be desired in that aspect - however in the few pics above we've got a shot of our genial and knowledgable host Nathan demonstrating a Hurdy-Gurdy, as well as a less-than-stellar picture of a white piano that once belonged to Elton John. Along with an arm... I may be missing my calling as a high-end magazine photographer.

Moving down my lineup of shots, there's a microphone from one of the first public radio stations in Canada (still on the air here in Calgary), a Garnet amp from hometown hero Randy Bachman, and one snippet of a display piece from the Canadian Country Music Hall Of Fame from Mr. Hank Snow - a Canuck superstar who ended up based out of Nashville, and who once persuaded the Grand Ole Opry to let an unknown youngster open up for his own shows there.

An unknown youngster by the name of Elvis Presley!!  

This facility is worth a visit by itself, but it is part of a grander plan, the eventual relocation to what will house (among many other features) The Canadian Music Hall of Fame, the aforementioned Canadian Country Music Hall Of Fame, and (I believe) five stories of Canadian music history. That's the tip of the iceberg though. Performing space, mobile recording studio - and so much more.

Check out the plans here, and for Pete's sake, follow them on Twitter, or subscribe to their blog. Donate! Be a part of this amazing endeavour:

Canada's National Music Centre 

On the way out the door, we also had chance to peek at the performing space currently being utilized, which also houses what I suspect are conceptual displays for the new building.

To quote some classic Guess Who lyrics - "quivers down my backbone".


Chow for now!


  1. Mrs. That Dan Guy7:48 AM

    Indeed, very cool! Amazing history provided of how the piano evolved and beautiful pieces that are centuries old! Can't wait for the new centre. I might have to book a week off of work to see it all.

  2. It is awe-inspiring :-)
