Friday, October 19, 2012

Treme? Anyone Out There Watching Treme??

One of the shows we really, really enjoy here in the Such Is Life household is HBO's terrific drama Treme, set just after Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. Gritty, often witty and filled with real NOLA musicians, the show makes us want to get back to that amazing city ASAP.

Of course, as far as the storyline goes, it would have been nice if John Goodman had stuck around longer than the first season - and Steve Earle had a similarly brief run, but overall it is a great hour of television.

We are a bit behind so far this season, but the episode we watched last night was called "Saints" - go figure! In one scene, the camera catches musician Spencer Bohren playing his reflective post-Katrina story song "The Long Black Line".

I'll let you click over to this previous post of mine to read the relevance of that song:

We need to see him again, as much as we do that amazing southern city....

Chow for now!  


  1. http://hippiestoboomers.com7:53 AM

    We love Treme but cannot find anyone else who watches it. The music is phenomenal and might outweigh the story line. I'm guessing the corruption is/was true. Did they ever find John Goodman's character's body? Maybe he'll be back!

  2. Hmmm - good point. It would be a curve ball to see Mr. Goodman turn up again...

    Great to hear from another fan!

  3. Mrs. That Dan Guy10:08 AM

    Oh New Orleans man! Yup, Treme not only brings back our fantastic memories of that amazing city, it's amazing people and it's crazy-talented musicians, seeing Spencer Bohren on the show and SINGING THAT SONG, WOW! Seeing him perform that live after sharing his personal story of what he and his family experienced coming back after Katrina, to our small, intimate group, was one of the most powerful moments I have ever experienced. Sigh.....we gotta get back to New Orleans

  4. We had planned on bringing him to Calgary - maybe dust off that thought??
