Thursday, October 18, 2012

Making Lunches

Just putting together our lunches for today! Picked up a porous Tupperware container that allows our caviar to breathe, whilst remaining fresh and caviary.

I've wound bubble wrap around the pheasant, under glass. Hopefully the champagne bottle doesn't fracture that.

I am a little worried about the mini-warming oven - I'm not sure it won't dry out the beef medallions. Just have to take my chances there...

Just to be safe, I did throw in some dry crackers and a PB & J sandwich as a failsafe - like some sort of hobo backup plan.

Bon appetit!!

Chow for now...

- Posted using BlogPress - too lazy to start my laptop...


  1. Mrs. That Dan Guy10:04 AM

    Hmm? I sure didn't see no pheasant, caviar, nor champagne? I think I got the wrong lunch?! Thanks a lot for the exciting yogurt, orange, muffin and snap peas!

  2. Man, you got the wrong lunch!

    You were supposed to get crackers and cheese....
