Monday, August 06, 2012

How To Become A Human Fountain.

Through the course of my various attempts to calm down my sinus issue recently, I was introduced to something called a Neti-Pot. Sadly, it had nothing at all to do with South Asian weed. The Neti-Pot is essentially a little plastic teapot, but you would never offer someone a cup of tea from it after you've used the little beggar for the purpose intended.

In a nutshell (or the Neti-Pot itself), you add a small packet of nasal cleansing powder to some warm water. Just by saying "nasal cleansing powder", you are probably already getting an image of just what unfolds next...

Yes, you press the spout of the tea pot up against a nostril, and the healing fluid then pours out. Of your other nostril. Like a frigging water fountain. Oddly enough, it feels pretty damn good, if you think about something else while its happening. Like newborn puppies, or a really good episode of Cheers.

What it does is replace fluids, even though I can't imagine many staying behind, based on the profuse flow from the opposing nostril opening. However the science works, the damn thing is like a miracle. I'm a fan, and will probably do another round momentarily.

May post a video later...

Chow for now!


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy9:35 AM

    Oh please, no video! It is kind of cool and in the dry, dry, dryness of Calgary, I can see you becoming a Neti-Pot groupie for sure! Ah, getting older, you end up doing some crazy, funky things.

  2. Anonymous10:48 AM

    My brain is already thinking of marketing some really cool (or illegal) different kinds of packets for this Neti-Pot. Must get one!

  3. Always thought I was a bit of a drip...
