Sunday, August 05, 2012

Getting Better All The Time

Well, I'm pleased to report that my sinus infection has started to retreat - thanks to copious amounts of medication, rest and a miracle known as the neti-pot. Florence Nightingale can now stand down as well, as she was on heightened alert throughout my ordeal. Yes, ordeal - discomfort is right up there on my lack of tolerance meter...

So, now that my strength is repairing, and my spirit is returning, I may be able to finally tackle another bag of potato chips, and some TV.

It's a great day for a merry ca, everybody!

Chow for now!


  1. Anonymous10:00 AM

    So glad to hear you are on the mend! I hope Nightingale is up for a promotion.

  2. Mrs. That Dan Guy10:35 AM

    Yay Neti-Pot! I am so happy to see you have some relief now Mr. And can now trot getting some sleep too. That Neti dealio is amazing! Well maybe Sept. long weekend will be our weekend Mr.

  3. As long as she doesn't slip on a single rubber glove, she's a keeper!

  4. I will trot getting some sleep.



  5. Mrs. That Dan Guy9:32 AM

    Damn typos and smart asspsss! Oh brother!

  6. Can you pass me some hay???
