Saturday, July 14, 2012

Chicken Scratch

(posted by avant-garde weekend guest blogger, Charlie Chicken...)


Ole Charlie's gettin' tha bum's rush - I gotta vacate ma roost fer a few days - Humphhh!!!


Had ta clean up ma "personal" items frum ma room, an I even hadta make tha bed! They got company arrivin' - and ma rental agreedment has clawses allowin' fer temporary evickshun...


Good thing I know a few chicks that cud host me fer a few days - I's juss too delikat fer street life!!


Well, I left a surpriz fer whoever's taken over ma digs - tha's all I'll say...

Cluck - fer now!!


  1. Now Charlie, is that any way to treat one of your biggest fans?

    Hmmm....what can I leave you once I am done?

  2. That there is one pouty poultry...

  3. Mrs That Dan Guy9:27 AM

    Ya! Get out and stay out you crazy bird! (He's probably headed down to Stampede anyways, party bird!) Well, if you know some cozy chics Charlie, perhaps you can find a new rental agreement? Hmmm...did Charlie take his house key with him? Gotta go call the locksmith..

  4. Man - harsh...

    We'll never get rid of that bird, will we???
