Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Today, no traffic rants or rambles.

Today, no rubber chickens of any sort.

Today, no MSG.

This  just happens to be the 25th anniversary of the first time that Mrs. That Dan Guy shamelessly begged me to take her out on a date. True story - I was minding my own business where we used to work together, and suddenly, she appeared (seemingly out of nowhere), with her 80's Bon Jovi hair-do. Too much time has passed since to recall exactly how she used here feminine wiles to beguile me, but obviously, 25 years later, whatever ruse she pulled worked.

Sure, we've had our ups and downs over the years - you never really keep track of how many times you use an elevator, but I can assure you, it's been many, many times over the years.

All in all, I remain tickled that she took the initiative all those years ago - it feels like barely 24 years have passed sometimes.

Now, where are my coffee, newspaper and slippers?? Someone's slackin' off today....

Chow for now!


  1. Congratulations to you two!! I am sure Mrs TDG will comment on your version and I await anxiously for her perspective.

    This was better than mukluks!

  2. Mrs. That Dan Guy8:11 AM

    Oh ya, I definitely have a perspective and it is the CORRECT, true-fact perspective! Yes, we were working together and Mr. TDG was just "always there", everywhere I turned, he was there, grinning his big grin, looking at me with wanting eyes.....eventually because he looked so sad, I had to say yes. 25 years baby! How sweet it is! Now, where is my coffee? (You already brought me my slippers...well trained after a quarter of a century!)

  3. HER version? There's only one that even remotely resembles the truth....

  4. Interesting scrambled recollection. The way I remember it, I thought your eye lids had frozen open, the way you were always peering at me longingly. I felt like a slab of beef! Pass the marinade!!

  5. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Congrats yo you both! Looking forward to meeting that Mrs. TDG. Really glad the boy got reeled mater which story one wants to remember....I've got my bet on the Mrs!

  6. Hmmm - why does everyone presume that MTDG's version is the right one??

    I must work on faking my sincerity a little better...

  7. Mrs That Dan Guy9:48 AM

    I think you lost "sincerity" when you actually thought folks would believe you felt like a "slab of beef"! Still LMAO! You were just a mushy romantic, let's face it. (And you were the one who's eyes froze!)

  8. OK - here's the real story, once and for all:

    Innocent little moi arrives at work, where I am literally devoured by the wanton gazes of the future MTDG.

    One day, while inventorying the booze in the liquor stock room, she enters, locks it behind here, and robs me of my innocence.

    To this day, I can't really enjoy a glass of wine unless I'm in a locked room.

    True version, as it happened, for real.

  9. Mrs That Dan Guy10:31 AM

    Ok, first of all, "innocent"? There was nothing innocent about you. As for the liquor room, there is a partial truth there, and I will leave it at that. Oo-ha! You crazy, crazy man! 25 years later, it is AMAZING what you choose to remember Mister! How come you can't remember what was on the honey-do list? Priorities man, priorities!
