Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Another major snowfall last night, so another crawl into work today.

On the way home yesterday, we were stuck in a slow-moving lineup trying to get onto a major thoroughfare. In the right lanes beside us, some poor bus driver was signaling in vain, trying to move over into our lane.

Apparently, the attempt to change lanes was not making the driver of a small car behind the bus happy, as the kid there started laying on his horn - if you can call the feeble noise his car was making a horn.

If I had been the driver of the bus, I would have stopped, gotten out, and asked the bozo if he hoped to move anytime in the near future. At least that's the polite version, omitting the part where my boot would have added a few inches to the little moron's upward ascent.

We harbour the absolute worst drivers in the land here...

Chow for now...


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy9:45 AM

    Oh ya, nothing like understanding the bus driver can't just turn right because he is stuck in a right-turn lane, have ya heard of a bus route?! Sigh...

  2. Clowns!


