Sunday, March 04, 2012

Happy to discover that my recent video with the cast and director of Stage West Calgary's latest production works just fine if you download it via iTunes. As is the version on YouTube. I was literally bedazzled yesterday watching it on my iPhone. You could say I was iXcited...

So, I now officially pronounce my profound love and bottomless desire for Mac. We may have to move to Utah so that our relationship (myself, Mrs That Dan Guy, and The Miracle On Rocky Ridge - interesting how "miracle" has Mac embedded within the word!) can be accepted as appropriate and nurturing. Or Macturing...

Now that the flower of Mac video editing has opened before my eyes, I will admit that I am a changed man - a man on a whole other, more keenly aware level of creative awareness. As a creative soul, I have mactured considerably with this newfound skill set, and there is now a burning fire within my....CRAP! That's a burning fire in my toaster!!!!

9-11!!! 9-11!!!!

Gotta go - chow for now!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy11:19 AM

    Oh god! You know, whatever dude. You professed your love for Mac a LONG time ago. What's new? And ya, until Mac screws up, then let the whining and cursing begin! And NO, I ain't movin to Utah, no how, no way. PS I have to admit though, watching your interview on i-tunes on your i-phone WAS incredible, very, very cool!

  2. M...M...M...M-A-C!!!!
