Friday, October 14, 2011

And so another fresh new day begins. Well, truthfully it did begin a few hours ago, just so you don’t get to thinking that I roll out of bed at the crack of noon....

However, like every other day, nothing changes. Despite our best efforts. Despite the best intentions. Despite my chiseled good looks, and Mrs. That Dan Guy’s billowy locks of hair.

Every day, like Bill Murray in “Groundhog Day” is the same. Only in our case, we don’t have a skookum soundtrack, or the groundhog. Although, now that I think about it, my hair might be starting to resemble Murray’s....

Groundhog Day does eventually end in that movie, right??

Chow for now...


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy9:27 AM

    Groundhog day DOES end in the movie.....but......we are not in a movie, sadly....hmm....maybe we should get a groundhog? Desparate times call for desparate measures, right?
    PS Again, spooky, you posted this blog at 11:55am...oh my!

  2. I would like to have a groundhog around the house! Let's do!!

  3. Mrs That Dan Guy9:48 AM

    Yay! 1 groundhog it is! The deal is you have to catch him though!

  4. Can you sacrifice groundhogs, or just goats?

    Know any good pagan gods? The traditional ones seem to be more interested in crapping on us...

  5. Mrs That Dan Guy12:46 PM

    WHAT?! Sacrifice?! I just wanted a cute groundhog! Forget it, you crazy "sacrifice" dude!
