Friday, August 26, 2011

To Kill A Mockingbird:

Step 1: Find Mockingbird.

Step 2: Determine if mockingbird is minding his own business, or somehow evokes a compelling need to be vanquished.

Step 3: Purchase really large, heavy safe from Acme. Set on edge of cliff in desert. Send invitation to mockingbird, requesting his attendance at a roadside lemonade stand.

Step 4: In the event of plan outlined in Step 3 failing, determine back-up plans options. *Large wooden mallet, as used to pummel while attempting to ring bell in “Test Your Strength” game at county fairs. Caution - may be cumbersome to wield in tree while mockingbird is asleep in nest.
*Tranquilizers in bird bath.
*Toaster in birdbath.
*Breed miniature shark for birdbath.
*Robotic female mockingbird with poison-tipped beak.

Step 5: Force mockingbird into mini-hot air balloon ride, and when it is high enough, shoot balloons until mockingbird plummets to his untimely demise. Uhh, wait a minute...

Step 6: That safe idea in Step 3 really should work - try out that option one more time...

Step 7: Ask mockingbird to help you recover shiny object from bottom of margarita blender...have lid ready - just sayin’...

Chow for now.


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy8:49 AM

    OMG! That is just plain sick! (Or you have merely confused a Classic Story with your less Classic Cartoons! Crazy dude!)

  2. OMG is right! As I have stated are one sick puppy....lmao! Toooo funny

  3. NOTE: No mockingbirds were harmed during the writing of that post.

    Does Canada even HAVE mockingbirds???

  4. I wll take that as a compliment...
