Friday, August 05, 2011

Mysterious Ways (or, “Holy Intervention, Batman!!”)

Well well well...

After succumbing to 2 years of frustration yesterday regarding the current course of our life, I broke from tradition in this space, and posted a rant. Specifically, a call-out, I guess you could say. I was not happy with my Higher Power.

Well, today, when I went to post my Twitter Tweet, something downright inexplicable happened. I saw it, and (thankfully) Mrs. That Dan Guy saw it. If you can see it too, please let me know.

At the end of the word “fit”, instead of a “t”, a cross appeared. I kid you not - a freakin’ cross. I don’t think there’s any combination of keys, or special symbols on the keyboard that would allow for that to happen - so I would have to take that as a pretty compelling sign that even if H.P. ain’t answering prayers, he or she is indeed keeping an eye on us.

I hope other people can see it, as I’ve posted it in the photo above, and you should be able to see the actual cross in the original Tweet from earlier today, over to the right under my “Follow Me On Twitter” section. Scout’s honor, I did nothing to rig that, nor do I imagine it is even possible to rig it. And it’s only on the one word, all the other “t”’s are normal.

So, two things - for one thing, I think this puts me in pretty elite company. Not many people get direct signs from a H.P. Maybe I should try leading France, or parting a sea later this afternoon, after my nap.

Second, as this happened on my “Miracle On The Ridge” Macbook, I have to say that this further supports the decision I made to forgo betting on horses at the track, and snag this puppy.

Sorry, Mrs. That Dan Guy - the Mac is indisputably blessed...

So, enough with the griping. Onward and upward, the sun will come out tomorrow, yada yada yada...

Chow for now!!


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy8:47 AM

    Well, there you have it! So, how did your "parting of the sea" go? Or, did you just settle for polishing your "blessed MAC" Groan! A sign is sign Mister, we will take 'em, no matter how we get'em!
    Hmm, who knew you commanded such a direct response. I am in elite company! Is this going to go to your head?

  2. Kiss my ring, child....

    And please, do not look me directly in the eyes...

  3. Mrs That Dan Guy7:37 AM

    Oh brother!
