Saturday, August 06, 2011

Chicken Scratch

(posted by weekend guest blogger Charlie “I-Want-To-PUMP-You-UP” Chicken...)

Howdy, hoomans!


Well, I koodnt find any stastitiks online, cause I got bored after searchin’ fer a few minutes - but I know exursize videos makes big bucks. So, now ole Charlie is gonna git his piesa THAT pie!


Yessir, I’m currently filmin’ Charlie’s “Bunsa Steel” - where I share my “secrets” fer transformin’ jiggle inta perky wiggle. By followin‘ ma tested formula fer success, it won’t be long before ya have a taut tush, and about $19.99 less in yer wallet. If ya call before midnite, I’ll even throw in this here aluminum foil...


Now, I will admit I ain’t exactly a well-known sellebirdy like Jane Fonda, or action here-o Chuckles Norris. But as I got certin habits that need funds ta be able ta enjoy, mother has become the invention uv necessity. Hence, “Bunsa Steel”. Lookit that tusha mine - go ahead - I know ya wanna...


So, I’m workin‘ out tha details a this program as I go along, but I guarantee that by perchasin‘ a copy of this DVD, you will definitely feel lighter right away - even if it is by just a few measly dollars, which you’d fritter away on crap like medication anyways...


So, trust me on this one - you will never see a more amazin‘ product than Charlie’s “Bunsa Steel”, so don’t hesit-eight. Send a e-mail TADAY, an I will promise to send ya one a these videos as soon as I get it finished. 

In that meantime, ta prepare, try squeezin‘ yer cheeks tagether several times. Remember - breathe

Charlie out!

Cluck fer now....


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy8:52 AM

    Oh brother! First of all, THANKS for the image Charlie! You squeezing those poultry cheeks together? Yuk! Second of all, who are you kiddin? Your butt is about as scrawny as them chicken legs! I aint buyin it!

  2. What's that wrinkly piece of tinfoil doing under your pillow??

  3. Mrs That Dan Guy7:38 AM

    EW! Gross! (Yuk, now how am I going to enjoy my 4 hours of sleep of tonight? Thanks a lot! Yuk!)

  4. Exhaustion will see you through!
