Sunday, August 28, 2011

I'm not sure what exactly it is that we may have done that has pissed off the universe so much, but allowing me to briefly experience a Mac OS after wanting to for so long, then having the hard drive fail right when I was about to post was about the pettiest thing you've done yet, "Higher Power".

Seriously, are there no other souls you could be tormenting for a while? We've about had our fill here...

Chow for now....


  1. Oh dear! Is it fatal?

  2. Mrs That Dan Guy11:42 AM

    Oh no.....sorry to hear this...we will talk later....yup..had out fill...hmm? Maybe sell everything, walk on a plane, get off in some other land, some other country, never look back really is sounding good.......let's talk more about that too......big hug Mr.

  3. Can't say for sure, but it does seem to feel a lot like a final straw...

  4. Anywhere there ain't no goddam technology!!!!!
