Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Steve Martin

Rare Bird Alert

Most vivid dream in a looooong time last night, and the first one I’ve remembered in quite some time as well…

Details are sketchier now that I’m awake, but in a nutshell, Mrs. That Dan Guy and I joined her sister and hubby from the “Hood”, on a Thanksgiving vacation to Steve Martin’s farm. Yes, Steve Martin, the banjo-playing actor and comedian. Turns out the in-laws knew him and his family, and finagled us an invite along with them.

Nice spread by the way – the Martin farm…

However, Mr. Martin was entirely indifferent to me, even though I tried explaining to him that I was a huge fan, and had even recently written to his record company to try and acquire a review copy of his new CD – “Rare Bird Alert” with his bluegrass banjo band (true story BTW – available in stores this week!! And don’t forget to catch him on Letterman Wednesday!).

Anyhow, while wandering around some of his farm’s outbuildings, I managed to find a big pile of…well…there’s no pretty way to say this, but – manure. Coming as no big surprise to Mrs. That Dan Guy, I somehow managed to end up coming into contract with said manure, causing her much embarrassment.

That’s about the time I woke up.

Wonder what it all means??

Chow for now!!


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy9:21 AM

    Hey, one cant even figure out your thoughts when you are awake, how can one figure out that mess of a dream?
    Hmm, maybe it simply means "waiting for word back from famous people is a shitty situation even when you "know" people! Or, maybe it means "Even if you know people who know people it is never a guarantee" Or, it just means "banjo" boy and "banjo" man are both wacky farmers, who knows?

  2. Maybe it means we should all take a trip to some pig farm somewhere? There's gotta be one in Saskatchewan somewhere....oooh, maybe there'd be a Ho-Down there as well?? WE'RE IN....all in....can't pass up the chance to see that fall down

  3. So much to ponder, so little mind...

  4. Even in my dreams I'm clumsy - great...
