Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Have you ever looked at a new Word doc, and wondered what was behind the fresh white page? On my computer, there’s a blue background, but I can’t quite make out what’s behind the page…

There’s a shadow, over to the right, so it really just seems to reinforce that there IS something behind the page. Maybe more pages? Maybe a duck?

Maybe a babbling brook, teeming with wildlife, bathing beauties, and Grizzly Adams?

Not sure how all that would fit behind there, but it sure is on my list of suspects…

Chow for now.


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy7:31 AM

    You are NOT going to make me look! Nope, don't do it, dont look. I just KNOW there is no shadow, is there?

  2. I'm sure there's something behind those pages!!!
