Sunday, March 27, 2011

In America (the U.S. of A.), if a politician were to be found in contempt of the very system they proclaimed to stand for, they would likely face some sort of sanctions, be asked to step down and hastily hustled off into the hinterlands, or be impeached.

In Canada, if you are found to be in contempt of parliament, you get a mulligan. The government is dissolved, and an election is called. The hope is that you will simply surf back into power, having pressed the reset button. Taa-dah!! I'm ba-ack!!

Well, I for one hope that the current regime has pressed the ejection seat button, and that they get formally invited by the people of Canada to explore the hinterlands. Let’s get the next batch of liars and promise breakers in, and see what they might do differently…

Chow for now!


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy4:36 AM

    Agree! Prepare the Hinterlands! (Where are the Hinterlands anyways?)

  2. I expect we haven't seen the last of Harper, but it sure would be nice if that were to be the case...

  3. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Harper is Bush dressed in a Canadian Flag! Be gone I say....

  4. Sure hope the polls are wrong - this guy needs to get shuffled off into the wilderness...
