Saturday, March 26, 2011

Chicken Scratch

(posted by weekend guest blogger, and fashionista Charlie Chicken..)

Howdy hoomans!!


Check out ma new threads, Peeps – a fancy para "dee-zyner" jeans, left at tha door yesterday. Someone obviously recognizes wut a glamour-puss I iz!!


Acid-wash, I suspeck. Ya see these brands on them Calvin Climb models inna magazines all tha time! And now on ole Charlie…

I may hafta head ta tha mall, ta strut ma pinfeathers. Tha chicks dig this sorta stuff. Makes a manly man look even manlier…


I gotta pick up a copy of that new CD anyway, with tha hit “Friday” song – I wish I wuz as good a songwriter az that lady iz. She’s given The Beeb a run fer his money!


I oughta cum up with a song about my new jeans – “New Pants, New Pants, Ha Ha Ha”, or sumthin like that. Mebbe sumthin that actually rimes wood be better…

OK, I’m off ta tha mall – I can workon my song lee-ricks while I’m drivin an text them back to myself…

Cluck fer now!!


  1. Hey, is that a BBQ I smell heating up? Charlie, I don't think it is advisable to be wearing those designer pants outside.....just sayin'.

  2. Mrs That Dan Guy3:04 PM

    Hey Charlie, I dont know if the "chicks" nor the "hens" will dig your new jeans, but some hoomans might just see that advertising as saying "Hey, anyone want a piece of juicy chicken?" Yummy! I hear a song....Charlie is so juicy, so juicy! Charlie donned some snappy jeans, hoomans said "what am I seeing", Charlie is so juicy, so juicy!

  3. We humans think alike!!!

  4. That bird is gonna be the death of me (if technology doesn't get me first)...

  5. charlie chicken6:55 AM


  6. charlie chicken6:55 AM

    Yeah. Like cannibals!!!!
