Monday, November 22, 2010

Jesus & The Snowman

We’ve been operating on limited sleep here in the Such Is Life household lately. I’ll admit that right up front, before I relate this story of one day’s multiple errors in general observation.

Driving home from downtown Calgary a day or so ago, we were parked in bumper-to-bumper rush hour traffic trying to get back home. While Mrs. That Dan Guy was recounting her day for me, I noticed out of the corner of my eye someone below what I thought was the adjacent pedestrian bridge, walking along in what appeared to be a bit of a modern miracle. Up to that point this winter, the river below had yet to freeze as it has since.

MTDG, noticing I wasn’t paying attention ( a rare and unusual occurrence – I’m usually spellbound) – so she glanced over to see what had been so important as to divert my rapt attention. From her perspective, she was able to note that the gentleman was on the actual pedestrian bridge, BELOW what I had noticed earlier, which turned out to be the C-train span.

No miracle…

Further along, on the very same road, and on the very same commute home, I happened to glance over to my left just as someone was approaching a door to a home that had just opened to greet them. Although all I could see was the resident of the home, whom I mistook for Frosty the Snowman. On further inspection, it was a woman dressed in a large white overcoat, with a red scarf placed exactly as Frosty prefers to wear his.

I really need to start getting more sleep…

Chow for now!


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy9:05 AM

    Ya, when you hear your significant other say on the road home "Hey, is that man walking on water" and then on the same drive, somewhat later "I think a snowman just walked in that front door", you know that the 8 hours of sleep you all had over the past 3 nights (8 hours total!)just might have caught up with you. Or, your significant other really is loony tunes!
