Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Cold snap here, with the wind chill it’s like -1000 ° below – what humans can survive!!

I could see my breath when I was outside earlier. I had to chip it with an ice-pick, as it was freezing into a solid clump with each exhalation. I kept a few clumps of ice breath - that at least will save me a few bucks when I go to make strawberry daiquiris later this afternoon…

It’s so cold outside, what I thought was a statue of a bird on our balcony chirped out for a scarf.

It’s so cold outside, a couple of our resident wild jackrabbits were wearing house-cats to keep warm.

It’s so cold outside, Jack Frost was spotted knocking back hot chocolate in the neighbourhood Starbucks…

Chow for now!


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy8:21 AM

    It's so cold outside Mr. That Dan Guy's brain went from mushy to frozen so thoughts coming out went from weird to weirder!

  2. Ha Ha Ha...

