Saturday, July 31, 2010

Chicken Scratch

(posted by weekend guest blogger Charlie Chicken…)


Wut a cluckin’ balancin’ act!! How do hoomans wear these stupid sun glasses??


The sun wuz shinin’ fer about 10 minutes today, so I rifled through a few drawers here in tha coop, and dug out these shades. While they do look dashin’ on me, I can’t seem ta keep the pluckin’ things on my beakage very well! It’s like a cluckin’ see-saw!


Mebbe I need a smaller pair? Or mebbe there should be some arms or sumthin’ – a coupla stabilizers that fit on tha side a my noggin?

Mr. Monopoly duz this with just one! Why can’t I make it work with two lenses?? Mebbe my beak ain’t level enuff?

I don’t dare sneeze!!


Hey, speakin’ a nuttin’ in particular, is the new Rock Band “Glee” edition out yet? With these funky shades, I could really groove ta a few cool cover tunes, a la those nerds on that TV show.

I wonder if that version comes with cheerleader costumes????

Cheeky wee poultries…


Cluck fer now, ya feather-deprived hair-wearers!!


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy8:57 AM

    Oh you crazy bird! Charlie, you are too cool, crazy, wacky, but cool!
    You remind me of some other crazy human? Hmm?

  2. Hey, have you see my clip-on sunglasses anywhere???
