Thursday, April 01, 2010

Late Late Show Craig Ferguson Peabody Award

Hey, congrats to one of our favourite late-nite TV hosts, here in the Such Is Life household – Craig Ferguson, host of The Late Late Show on CBS recently won a Peabody Award for one of his shows in 2009:

How did he celebrate the announcement? By appearing as “Mr.Wavey”, his popular crocodilian hand puppet character to open the show last night.

Good fun!!

Hey, on a less impressive note, my national real estate column is online for April, with a peek at my original business card. It may be intended for the real estate community, but I think there’s enough broad strokes to the average person to enjoy:

I don’t think I have a future in marketing…

Chow for now!!


  1. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Umm...that picture? There is alot of truth that we improve with age! He he

  2. Anonymous9:18 AM

    In fact, your ol' pic looks like Stacy Keach...

  3. Or get grayer and balder!!

  4. Stacy Keach NOW?? He looks ancient????
