Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I propose that we start to add a few extra days to every month. Especially slacker months like February – who really needs to pull his socks up and get it together. Lazy so-and-so…

Here it is, the end of March already. Wouldn’t it be handy to have even just a few more days added on? If tomorrow were March 32nd, you could look forward to not having to remove the sheet from your calendar for another day.

Frankly, that doesn’t sound as good as I thought it did. Maybe we should take February’s lead, and start hacking a few days off instead?? Maybe a 15-day month would be the way to go!

By now, it should be entirely clear that I have no real argument one way or the other on this topic. What I really have is “nothing” – but I’ve managed to stretch that out to about four small paragraphs. Clearly, at least from this blog’s standpoint, the shorter month would be a blessing…

Chow for now!!


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy8:57 AM

    I disagree! Longer months would be awesome.....longer months means longer years, which would mean it would seem like forever before we turn that next year older. It would mean Xmas would seem soooooo far away in any given year. I vote for each month to house 50 days in a month. Or, perhaps a progressive increase. IE: Jan. could have 31 days, Feb. 35, Mar.40, and so on, so by the time you get to December it would be 85 days long! AND, this would mean increased vacation time. Companies could say, for instance, if you take holidays between Jan. - May, you get 3 weeks, but if you vacation between Jun.-Dec., heck, take 6 weeks! Hmm, this may require further thought?!

  2. We should just have one loooooong month - 365 days.

    Or not...

  3. Anonymous8:49 AM

    What would happen to that famous rhyme "30 days has September, April, June and November...". I challenge you on that one!

  4. "January hath 364 days, December hath one..."
