Sunday, March 14, 2010

Hello darkness, my old friend…

Well, clearly we will be passing on the current reunion tour of old pals Simon & Garfunkel, even though we’d both love to see them perform here in Cowtown. I almost had a coronary when I tried to buy tickets Friday. $550, $450, and $325 PER TICKET!!And that doesn’t even include shares in Ticketmaster. Never mind that for the $325 price level, we might even be sharing our rafter seats with Calgary Flames hockey gear stored in the attic where our seats would be located.

Aye Caramba!!

As much as we would like to catch this tour, it won’t break our hearts THAT much. After all, we’ve seen them both on their own solo tours. Paul Simon we caught many years ago, back when he was in another of his many career peaks – and that show to this date remains way up there as a favourite. He was amazing. No Barry Manilow, but still terrific...

Just a couple of years ago, we had great seats to see Art Garfunkel live, and he performed an amazing set of solo and S & G tunes – so if we super-imposed both of those shows together in our minds, we can almost brag to friends that yes, indeed – we have seen Simon & Garfunkel.

Although we wouldn’t stand up to too much scrutiny…

Hee Hee...I said tutu...

Chow for now!!

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