Saturday, March 13, 2010

Chicken Scratch

(Posted by weekend guest blogger Charlie Chicken, before That Dan Guy can stop him…)


Hello in there???

Can you hear me now, Webcam peepels??


Ole Charlie is tryin’ ta embrace modern technology, but I ain’t sure this webcam is workin’. I can’t see through this thing, like I can thru the peeperhole in our front door…

Not that I peek thru THAT many peeperholes!!


Anyhowz, I wanna bring my home-spun folksy message to all you human peepels – kinda like that Sarah Lee Palin is doin’ right now – gee whillikers, by gar!!


I wanna just rap over the inner net about wisdom I gained over my lifetime – like “Don’t Put All Yer Eggs In One Basket” – frankly, baskets issa stooped place fer eggs in the first place – keep ‘em inna fridge!!

Or “Tickle Yer Ass With A Feather” – I still have one helluva welt from where I tried ticklin’ that ole farm donkey – they just don’t go fer feather-ticklin’…


I gotta load of advice and folksy anik-dotes. Plus, I think the world is ready for less chicken- #@*#, and more chicken logic!

Cluck fer now!!

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