Sunday, February 21, 2010

We’ve finally started to tune into the Olympics.

Hey, that reminds me – what’s the difference between a piano, and a fish?

You can tune a piano, but you can’t tuna fish!!!

Sorry – sometimes these things just make their way out…

At any rate – what with most every show being off the air right now due to the Olympics, we have ended up watching a few of the competitions. Canada could be doing better, for sure (eh?), but all-in-all, they are holding their own. Maybe they should quit doing that – I was always told I’d go blind…

Ba-Doom Boom!!! Here all week folks – try the veal!!

Where was I? Oh yeah, Canada and the Olympics…

Many of our highly- considered Canadian medal contenders have flattened like that aforementioned tuna, under the pressure of the spotlight. Only a few have gone on to win, so I guess our “Own The Podium” motto this year will go down as a bit of a bust.

We could always make a bust of a podium, which we could then own?


I hear rustling upstairs…Mrs. That Dan Guy must be arising!!

I better wrap this up, and make some coffee – PRONTO!!

Chow…for now.


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy9:45 AM

    Don't eat the veal folks!
    Hey, Canada, we are proud! Go Canada go!

  2. Tuna fish - yuk yuk yuk!!
