Saturday, February 20, 2010

Chicken Scratch

(posted by weekend guest blogger Charlie Chicken…)



Check out the headline there, if ya can – ya squinny-eyed human bean!

Turns out us poultry gots better peepers than youze do – how many chicken fingers am I holdin’ up???


Not only do we gots better vishun, we can also see through clothes, an walls. That’s right – we’re like Superman, without tha lazer beam eyes…

As a matter a fact – I can see yer underwheres right now! Didn’t yer mama ever tell ya NOT to wear dirty gitchyzz??


Oh, pardon me – I was readin’ a billboard…IN EUROPE!!

Yeah, my eyes can spot the freckles on a flea’s wing, from acrossa province. If I wuzza inna wild west, I’d be a regular Wild Bill Hiccup as a sharpshooter. Even with tha hiccups…

Hey, need me ta read tha ingredients on that canna soup?

CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP!!!!! Them’s fightin’ words, bucko!!!!


Where’d I put my glasses……uh – I mean – where’d I put my boxin’ gloves???

Cluck fer now!!!

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