Monday, January 11, 2010


01/11/10 – Even better than yesterday!

(BTW, my default font size always loads as “11” instead of the “12” I switch it to…)


We’re currently enjoying one of those delightful Chinook weather systems, unique to the Alberta area. Temperatures the past few days here have been well in the above-Zero range, rather than the typical seasonal -2700°Celsius. I even saw a snow fox the other day with a buzz-cut, working on his tan. This is sweet stuff.

Unless you operate a ski hill, skating rink, or igloo renovation company, I suppose. Those sorts of folks must be standing at their living room window this morning, shaking their fists and cursing the weather. Spilling coffee on the carpet. Spittle on the blinds.

Personally, I can live with the warming trend, as opposed to the typical frostbite we’re trying to ward off this time of year here in Canada.

I may even plan a picnic for tonight. I’m sure I saw a sprig of grass poking out from under the snow in the backyard…

Chow for now!!


  1. Me thinks you gonna be giddy as a schoolgirl experiencing her first crush, tomorrow.

  2. Never mind that last is the 11th. I am a little behind lately! Ack

  3. At my age, I'm giddy with every tomorrow...

  4. Don't be too hard on yourself - calendars can be hard to decipher...


  5. Anonymous10:26 PM

    wait till 101010. come october you'll be going nuts...stay home that day and don't touch anything electrical!!!

  6. ANY day of the year I'm advised to stay away from electrical items!!
