Tuesday, January 12, 2010

After the announcement over the weekend that NBC’s brilliant executive team had painted themselves into a corner, and had to shuffle their late-nite line-up, we couldn’t resist watching said late-nite shows, to see how the situation was being commented on, directly by the respective hosts.

If you haven’t heard (I know, The Bachelor can just consume your TV consciousness), NBC has axed the fledgling Jay Leno Show, and the solution seems to be bumping every show to a later time slot. Leno will move to a half hour slot at 11:30, followed by The Tonight Show, and then the other ones, which now become pre-Prime Time, for the next day’s programming.

Leno was first out of the gate, and you could see that he wasn’t exactly living la vida loca. Guest Bill Cosby made a wisecrack about the ratings, which Leno drove right around without addressing.

Later, Tonight Show host Conan O’Brien came across as angry at the network debacle, but hey – if he was doing all that great in the ratings himself, it might have been Leno taking a 3 AM timeslot.

Best coverage that we watched – Dave Letterman, alternately lampooning NBC and the various hosts, but also offering some suggestions to soothe all the fragile egos. He’s got the cat by the tail (not that I advocate taking cats by tails), standing outside the shoot-storm – well atop the ratings himself. He was hilarious in his observations.

How will this all wash out? Who will get kicked off of The Bachelor next? “Carson Daly Joins Good Morning America As Truncated Comedy Segment”? Who knows? Certainly not the programmer muckey-muks over at NBC..

Chow for now!!

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