Monday, August 17, 2009

Yesterday (all my troubles seemed so far away…) was “Technology Day" here in the “Such Is Life” household. I was in charge of updating our woeful wireless internet, and Mrs. That Dan Guy’s workspace. Being a natural expert with electronic devices, the process only took 10 hours, and that doesn’t include the time I spent (fruitlessly) Saturday.

The last time I tried to update our wireless router, the ole Crapmaster 2000 and its Vista OS protested – crashing and giving me more blue error screens than a dunces' tournament of Jeopardy. Despite online tech help, I ultimately had to uninstall the router and software, and retreat back to my 1981 router, with an effective wireless distance you couldn’t even spit past.

The new router this weekend seemed to be a better fit, with absolutely no crashes this time. But the first stab was more like a poke with an unsharpened pencil – it would not work no matter what I tried. Reluctantly, I reverted back to the old router, once again.

Sunday morning, armed with grit, determination and a ball peen hammer, I tried once again, ever the optimist. Once again, I was thwarted – the computer and router failed to communicate. Raising my hammer, I noticed a “Help” number on the router packaging, and figured I may as well give that a try.

After about 45 minutes of very technical jibbity-jabbety, and a tour of places my mouse has never taken me before on my computer – THE FREAKIN’ ROUTER WORKED!!! Some sorcery I will never understand was required, but who cares – it works!

After a short break to make my brain stop hurting, I added a wireless keyboard and mouse to MTDG’s home workspace, to make her life a bit easier. We are now practically reveling in wirelessness.

Chow for now!


  1. I remember the good old days.....when the concept of wireless technology seemed like sorcery to some...

  2. See today's post... Harry Potter I ain't...
