Tuesday, August 18, 2009

It was too good to be true…

After crowing about how successful I was with updating some technology here in my home office – I was promptly humbled by that very same technology – I’m always available for random humbling, it would appear…

While I was able to successfully install a new wireless router, as I used the ole Crapmaster 2000 yesterday, I experienced constant loss of my internet connection. Brand-new router? Couldn’t be the culprit, so I assumed it had to be the hardware on the Crapmaster. I determined I had to search for and download driver updates. A walk in the park.

I’m not sure what park I thought I’d be walking in, but I ended up lost in some pretty deep woods, and there weren’t no fairy-tale gingerbread houses for me to stumble along into. It was dark, and foreboding – like I was in a world with no Celine Dion, or BeeGees.

Mrs. That Dan Guy was foolhardy enough to poke her head in, whilst I was gasping for air (did I mention the humidity in that forest?) – what she saw wasn’t pretty. I was becoming just a little frustrated at the fact that I could no longer even consider accessing the internet – it seemed that my driver update had removed the function entirely!! Let me tell you, I was using “darn”, and “nuts” profusely.

After banging my sloped forehead against my desk for an hour or so, I must have accidentally rebooted the computer – which at that point somehow regained the magic of an internet connection. Fearing I had lost my mind, I shut it down immediately, so as to keep the magic trapped inside. Soon, I will start it up, and see if it is still there.

Wish me luck.

Chow for now!!

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